World Grand Champion Horses in Miniature

The best horses in the world come from Scott Creek Farm. Our horses are National Champions in New Zealand, Australia, England and Europe as well as all over the United States. Their genetic potency is being realized by breeders worldwide. The horses listed here show extreme diversity both in price and possible use. We have reasonably priced individuals that may fit the needs of the person looking for an intriguing and offbeat pet. You will also find horses listed that are well pedigreed breeding and top show quality horses for the discriminating enthusiast or breeder looking to enhance one’s own herd.
In addition to these horses we have other top quality miniature horses for sale. Contact us for information on our mini horse sales. Frequently our foals are spoken for as they are born. If you have a particular interest in our horses, we encourage you to contact us early.
Please click on the image for the specific page of sale horses.
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A 4% service charge applies. If you want to purchase a horse by using a credit card or Paypal and do not have an account, it is easy to set one up. Click on the following link to create your own PayPal account. We can send you an invoice and all payments can be safely made through PayPal.
In addition to these mares we have other top quality miniature horses for sale. Contact us for information on our mini horse sales. For further information on any of these horses please Contact Us.
Subscribe to our YOU TUBE CHANNEL: SCOTTCREEK2010 for notification of our latest videos. Frequently our foals are spoken for as they are born. If you have a particular interest in our horses, we encourage you to contact us early.